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Naturist Pictures

… are something entirely natural.
Unfortunately, Flickr wants us to place them in the kinky corner.
Therefore, our Flickr photo-album doesn’t contain any naturist pictures anymore

Lists of virtual “friends”, who publish and collect first and foremost erotic pictures, may match the photo-communities’ artificial, sexy world.
But, we rather don’t mix our body’s naturalness with this!

You still find natural naturist pictures on our:

Nudist Page

Chapter 38 [April 2022 - September 2024]   
  Region & country selection  
Europe 2022-24: Photo-Preview


Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Belgium & France

We enjoyed rediscovering some of our European favourites, such as the Netherlands during the tulip blossom and the fascinating coastal landscapes and lovely villages of Brittany in the winter months. We also explored some previously unknown travel destinations and regions in Germany, Austria, France and Belgium. In between, we treated ourselves again and again to “a holiday within our holidays” at various naturist places, where we regularly roamed barefoot up to the neck through natural landscapes. We have already documented a lot in previous online albums, but here we still provide a good, if not complete, selection of photos from our last two years of travel.

Southern France
Chapter 36 + 37 [April 2019 - April 2022]   
  Region & country selection  
Once Again – Europe: simply perfect to feel oneself clad & unclad, as snug as a bug in a rug
as PDF



Condensed travelogues: As we don’t want to re-chew all visited places until we unconsciously start to moan and bemoan about all bits and bobs, we add some core-themes to our “da capo” travelogues, but keep them (relatively) short and sweet – exactly how also life should be – short and sweet, not long and boring…

Scan­di­na­via March 2020 – April 2022: fantastic nature and only few pandemic restrictions (PDF)

When we left for Scandinavia at the beginning of March 2020, we had no idea what a golden decision this was and certainly not that our intended 6 - 10 months journey would ultimately last over 2 years. Though the Corona pandemic limited our travel plans a bit, we were very lucky. Thanks to rather moderate, and often only local measures, we got away without a real lockdown and without mask mandate. While other countries imposed curfews, we were able to enjoy Scandinavia's unique beauty undisturbedly.

In Sweden, we’ve experienced picturesque landscapes with swamps, lakes, islands, fells and beautiful towns, but also Scandinavia's most sociable people. Norway spoiled us with divine mountain-landscapes with deeply cut fjords and breath-taking views. Finland, on the other hand, offered the most comfortable holiday homes, always with a sauna, of course. All stood amid seemingly endless forests and countless lakes. Peace and quiet were guaranteed.

No matter where we were, Scandinavia inspired us in every respect, both in terms of the unique nature and the locals, who acted cool headed, instead of panicking about Corona. It was a privilege to be allowed being guests in the Far North for two years. We used our time in different holiday cottages to immerse ourselves in long, freezing winter nights, as well as in endless summer days. Of course, this gave us plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy the unique landscapes.

- Troms & Finnmark
  . Tromsø
- Nordland Lofoten
- Central Norway
  . Trondheim
  . Bergen
- Southern Norway
  . Stavanger

- Northern Sweden
- Central Sweden
- Southern Sweden
- West Coast

- Lapland
- Oulu (province)
  . Oulu
- Lakeland
  . Kuopio
- Helsinki

- Ice stream
- Odense und Ribe

Annual Trip Report April 2019 - March 2020: Na-Tourism & Medical-Tourism (PDF)

After returning from overseas, we’ve started our stage in Europe with a long naturist summer in France, before travelling to Hungary for some small repairs on teeth and eyes. Furthermore, we’ve celebrated the turn of the year with a 1½ month stage in Vienna and travelled across Austria and Germany.

- Vienna

Naturist Scenes
Core Themes:

Dental- and Laser Eye Surgery in Hungary (PDF)

As Heinz was diagnosed Cataract and a dental bridge needed to be replaced, he volunteered to check out the Hungarian Dental- and Laser Eye Clinics as guinea pig. Read here about his experiences…

below you find our detailed_travelogues:
Chapter 35 [April 2019]   
  Region & country selection  
Dubai (UAE): a first glimpse of the Arabic world      

as PDF


Dubai (UAE): a first glimpse of the Arabic world

In April, we took the chance of a weeklong stopover in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates most populous member-state. Thereby, we’ve experienced Dubai as a cosmopolitan city full of surprises, totally contradictory to our clichés.

Chapter 34 [February 2019 - April 2019]   
  Region & country selection  
Southeast-Asia: revisiting a booming, yet traditional region      
as PDF




Thailand - Phuket: stuck between royal-, military- and civil governance

Rather because of the economical direct flight from Melbourne, we’ve selected Phuket as our travel destination in Thailand. As we’ve visited the island primarily away from the most popular beaches, taken in by mass tourism, we’ve experienced lots of traditional life. Among our highlights were Phuket Town, Rawai Beach in the far south and for relaxing, the amazingly quiet Nai Yang Beach near the airport.

- Phuket Town
- Rawai Beach
- Wat Chalong
- Nai Yang Beach

Malaysia: a modern, traditional and very multicultural country

Despite confining ourselves this time to Penang and the capital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was once more a highlight of our short trip to Asia. As this modern, multicultural country with its large Muslim population, does not attract nearly as many visitors as Southeast-Asia’s tourist ghettos, also for visitors, life is here still surprisingly economical. Despite the high living-standard and the bustling traffic, we’ve experienced lots of traditional, native life even in towns, and this next to contemporary quarters with modern shopping malls that dwarf many European mega-shopping-centres.

Kuala Lumpur

Singapore: steppingstone and farewell to exotica

If you like the contrast between the bustling life of a hypermodern metropolitan and Asia’s peaceful traditional life, Singapore is perfect for you. Visitors have here a true choice, whether they want to live a western life, or whether they want to experience deepest Asia. Despite being considered as the world’s most expensive city, Singapore offers many bargains, especially for those who love Asian food. We loved to eat as the locals do; three times daily at a food court or a simple restaurant. The simple, exotic dishes were a highlight of our stage in Singapore. Likewise fascinated, we were from the city’s bustling life where almost always something interesting can be observed; be it a big festival, or just the different cultures’ daily routine.

Singapore 2019
Singapore 2017

Festivals: (2006/07)
diverse festivals
Chapter 33 [February 2018 - February 2019]   
  Region & country selection  
Australia: an entire continent almost like a zoo      
as PDF


Australia: an entire continent almost like a zoo

Under the impulse of the moment, we’ve bought a compact car and travelled with it once more for an entire year around Australia. Thereby, we got to known many of the Fifth Continent’s peculiarities. For instance, why a hotel was erected solely for the European employees of a missile test ground in the outback, about animals with several uteruses, that Euros hereabout aren’t rolling, but hopping, about kilometre long iron-ore trains, of which the engine drivers sit in air-conditioned offices several thousand kilometres away, about huge cotton- and wheat-fields, about trains that drive on roads, about entire mountain’s that get removed, crocodiles sunbathing on campgrounds and many more oddities that added uniqueness to our Australian trip.

Ahead of our current stage, we’ve been lucky enough to have undertaken several long trips on the red continent already. Together, they sum up to more than 2½ years. This time, we planned only a short three-months trip. The car rental companies’ infinite terms however, prompted us spontaneously to buy an own vehicle again, as already during two previous longish Australian tours. Thus, we had to bear substantially smaller risks, whilst enjoying distinctively more freedom and self-responsibility.
With our compact car, a Nissan Tiida, our intended short trip grew, once more, to a whole year’s journey. Except Tasmania (which we visited without a car) and Queensland, we’ve toured, once again all of Australia’s federated states. We consider the coastal area between Sydney and Cairns simply too urbanized and too touristy. Instead, we’ve crossed the Red Centre again.

Map as PDF

With a few exceptions, we turned our backs to many “must do” attractions, we’ve visited years ago. There were still plenty of lesser known, yet equally interesting sights. The vastness, the diversified landscapes and the fifth continent’s multifaceted flora and fauna managed to thrill us immediately again. Australia’s animal kingdom turned out to be a climax again. Sooner or later, we could catch sight of almost every creature we still hoped for.

Certainly, we paused our travels again and yet again at naturist-clubs and -resorts. Though we didn’t experience Australia’s naturist grounds as popular as their European counterparts at all. Instead, we often encountered more animals than naturists. From kangaroos to euros, wombats, parrots and uncountable other bird species, right up to crocodiles. Furthermore, we could even observe whales from a clothes optional beach.

We overnighted at motels, cabins, holiday apartments and backpackers’ accommodations. Usually, we could decide spontaneously where and how long we wanted to stay. Only on long weekends, we needed to book ahead – the internet-age forced us to do so.

Our Australian travelogue is divided into the following sections:

Just as all our travel tales, also this Australia travelogue is available in 2 different versions:
  • In the dark-blue chapter header; supplementary as illustrated PDF travelogue
  • Here, in this light blue chapter-box; as pure, formatted text only

Tasmania (TAS):
- Hobart
- Launceston
- Excursions

Victoria (VIC):
- Melbourne
  . City Centre
  . Outskirts
- Interior
- South East Coast
- near Murray River
- South West Coast

Canberra (ACT):

- Canberra
New-South-Wales (NSW):
- Sydney
- around Sydney
- Eastern Interior
- the Northwest

South Australia (SA):
- Barossa+Mid N.
- Outback
- Southwest
- Adelaide
- Southeast

Northern-Territory (NT):
- Red Centre
- Top End East
- Darwin
- Top End West

Western-Australia (WA):
- Kimberley
  . Interior
  . Derby-Broome
- Pilbara
   (Port Hedland-Onslow)

- Gascoyne
   (Exmouth-Shark Bay)

- Mid West
  . Kalbarri & NP.
  . Coastal MidWest
     (Geraldton, etc.)

- Wheatbelt Coast
   (Pinnacle desert, etc.)

- Perth & Peel
  . Perth
  . Fremantle
  . Metro area
- South West
- Great Southern
- Wheatbelt
- Goldf.-Esperance

Naturist Scenes
Chapter 32 [December 2017 - February 2018]   
  Region & country selection  
New Zealand: leaning back and rediscovering       
as PDF


New Zealand: leaning back and rediscovering

We know New Zealand quite well, as we could already travel the country for 1 ½ years. This time, it provided us an ideal stopover on our South Pacific journey. Thereby, we took the chance to rediscover parts of the North-Island, but first of all, to wind down a bit. We travelled with a rental car and stayed overnight at motels and backpackers accommodations (in New Zealand, we fit in perfectly, even at our age). Furthermore, we’ve spoiled ourselves twice with a longer period of rest at naturist places.

Central North Isl.

Naturist Scenes
Chapter 31 [November 2017 - December 2017]   
  Region & country selection  
Chile: a modern bustling country with a multifaceted desert      
as PDF


Chile: a modern bustling country with a multifaceted desert

During December we’ve visited Chile, the elongated country along South-Americas west-coast. The vibrant capital Santiago, with its Latin-American rhythm, delighted us immediately. We were surprised that north of the capital, Chile consists to a big part of desert. From San Pedro de Atacama (2,408m of altitude), we visited the famous high-lying «Desierto de Atacama», whose tallest peaks rise to more than 6,000m. This bewitching, varied desert-landscape with its saltpans, salt lakes, volcanoes, sand dunes, canyons, ranges, multi-coloured rock layers, oases, and even desert resistant animals, did easily thrill us for two weeks…

Santiago de Chile

Chile from the air

Atacama Desert
Chapter 30 [June 2017 - November 2017]   
  Region & country selection  
South-Pacific: unique islands and cultures      

as PDF








Samoa: islands of open fale’s and wooden buses

The island nation of Samoa, where open Fale’s (wooden bungalows without walls) still dominate the villages, was the first destination of our South-Pacific trip. For three weeks, the very friendly people of the islands Upolu and Savaiʻi shared their culture with us.


Wallis und Futuna: France’s most hidden secret

With Wallis & Futuna, we could experience two rarely visited islands. Despite holiday-makers being officially declared as unwanted intruders, the inhabitants proved to be extremely hospitable and helpful towards visitors, interested in local customs and practices. Furthermore, we were fortunate to attend the “Fête du Territoire” on Wallis Island at the end of August, where we could witness Polynesian Dancing at its best.


Fête du Territoire

Fiji: a country with many faces

During three weeks in Fiji, we could experience another South-Pacific pearl with a rich, varied culture. This diverse archipelago is inhabited by Melanesians, but also by people of Indian origin, whose ancestors were shipped in as cheap, hardworking labourers, during the English occupation. Everywhere, we experienced friendly and helpful people. On Viti Levu Island, we’ve travelled along the costal stretch between Nadi and Suva. Furhermore, we’ve explored the surroundings of Savusavu, on Fiji’s second largest island Vanua Levu.

Viti Levu
Savusavu Area

Tuvalu: calm lagoons and very relaxed people

Bla, End of August, we’ve spent 10 interesting days on the Funafuti Atoll in Tuvalu. Around 6,000 people live on the only 2 km2 large main island of Fongafale. It was an impressive destination, probably rather suitable for die-hard travellers, than for Joe and Jane Lunchbucket, as not everything is as paradisiac, as the Tuvalu islands look like.

Funafuti Atoll

Tonga: a Kingdom adapting to modern times

Beginning of September, we’ve spent one very interesting week on Tonga. As we had already visited this island group long ago, we’ve restricted ourselves to Tongatapu Island, where most of the population lives. In the capital of Nuku'alofa, where we stayed, live didn’t stand still at all. Nevertheless, many old practices and customs survived to this day. Yet, not only the culture, but also the landscape of Tongatapu easily wowed us again.


French Polynesia: turquoise lagoons and towering mountains

As of mid-September, we’ve spent two very interesting months in French Polynesia. Using two air-passes, we discovered seven of the Society-Islands (Tahiti, Moorea, Huahine, Raiatea, Taha'a, Bora Bora and Maupiti), as well as three atolls in the Tuamotu-Archipelago (Tikehau, Rangiroa und Fakarava).

The turquoise lagoons abound with fish, where sharks can regularly be seen straight from the shore, were fascinating, indeed. Towards the end of our nine weeks stage, we were lucky to experience the start of the Havaiki Nui Pirogue race (outrigger canoes) from Huahine. We’ve discovered the various islands by different means: afoot, with boat-tours, by bicycle, as well as with rental-cars.

We’ve kept the expenses in about the same range as a road trip through France or the Netherlands, staying at simple hotels and eating at nice restaurants. However, who wants can easily spend several times more.

- Papeete
- Uturoa
Bora Bora


Hawaiki Nui Va'a

Easter Island: mystic statues and Latin American vibe

The last stage of our South-Pacific journey were 9 days on Rapa Nui, the Easter Island. We’ve expected the mystic of the famous Moai Statues, but not the Latin-American vibe on this volcanic island, that belongs geographically to Polynesia, but politically to Chile…

Chapter 29 [October 2016 - June 2017]   
  Region & country selection  
Mild winter-months in Ireland and Scotland      

as PDF


Great Britain:

Northern Ireland


Continental Europe

Ireland: a country full of pleasant surprises

Starting mid October, we've been exploring the Irish Isle with our car for a good three months. So we had enough time to discover a bit of the interior, plus almost 90% of the breathtaking coastline. We've devoted most of the time to the Republic of Ireland, but spent also a few days in Northern-Ireland. For a good month, we took advantage of the isle's cosy B&B accommodations. For another two months, we've been self catering in large and luxury holiday cottages.
Away from the (omnipresent) Irish pubs, we discovered Ireland as a superb destination for travellers with stunning nature, friendly people, excellent restaurants and great places to stay. Visiting in off-season, without the masses of tourists, was a big advantage. All the more, if we take the excellent, sunny winter weather in account that prevailed almost during our entire stage....

West_Coast Clare

Scotland: Great Britain's far north"

Starting of end January, we've spent a good two months driving with our car around Scotland. For a month, we moved from one B&B to the next, for another, we based ourselves at holiday cottages, organized at short notice. Thanks to a fairly mild and sunny winter, we could enjoy the Scottish dreamscapes to the full, and without the masses of Tourists. Along the coast just the same as in the interior...

Argyll, Bute (& ...)
Highlands 1 - SW
Highlands 2 - N

Back on the continent: tulips, naturism and midsummer

After returning to Continental Europe end of March, we took one week for travelling around the Netherlands, a few weeks for trip-preparations in France, and mid June we went to Helsinki - and from there via Singapore to the South Pacific...

Chapter 28 [December 2015 - October 2016]   
  Region & country selection  
Having a good time between Germany and Southern France      
as PDF




Immenstaad: our wintering quarter on Lake Constance

Once more, we spent part of winter in a nice holiday flat in Immenstaad, on the German shore of Lake Canstance.

Lake Constance Region

Switzerland: a bit of snow please

After spending some time in Central Switzerland, we continued to the canton of Valais, where we hiked for a good week between the melting snow masses of the Obergoms Valley.

Stein am Rhein
Switzerland div.

Germany: ten days full of experience in the south west

Mid April, we explored Germanys south-western corner for 11 days. After a journey through the partly still snow covered Black Forest, we visited the charming, historic old town of Heidelberg. Later on, we dived into the pulsating financial metropolis of Frankfurt, after spending some time in the Forest of Odes' picturesque villages and placid landscapes in between.

Frankfurt am Main
Forest of Ode

Alsace: France, but a bit different

End of April, we spent a good week in the Alsace, a region with a distinctively different culture and language from the rest of France. We travelled this region from north to south, staying at three different villages. We spent most time at Ribeauvillé, one of only a few Alsatian villages that boost not only many, but also excellent and moderately priced restaurants.


France: Revisiting some of our favourite naturist places

Between Mai and October, we enjoyed once more the sun, the sand and the sea the way we like it most: without a stitch on. As all of the 6 visited naturist resorts had already been described in depth below, we keep it short and sweet here...


Naturist Scenes
  • Apropos: Consciously, we confess to being naturists, also by publishing genuine naturist pictures of ourselves on this homepage. We feel completely contended, also without a stich on! By contrast, the online communities’ sections "for friends only" are alien to our nature, as those hardly contain genuine naturist pictures, but rather attract a clientele keen to exchange kinky contents. Therefore, we ONLY use the photo-communities’ public sections. DO NOT add us as friends and DO NOT "follow" us on social networks! Otherwise we will BLOCK you, even if you’re the nicest person…
    However, you’re very welcome to click the link We are naturists because... to learn in words and pictures our reasons of being confident naturists (nudists). Everybody may see us undraped...
Chapter 27 [May 2015 - December 2015]   
  Region & country selection  
Joy of naturism and travelling in Central- & Eastern-Europe       

as PDF










Austria: naturism on Lake Keutschacher in Carinthia

This year's summer trip started end of May in Austria. Arriving from Italy, we've visited at first the picturesque town of Lienz. Thereafter, we enjoyed for six days the quiescent at Sabotnik, a nice naturist ground on Lake Keutschacher.


Naturist Scenes

Via Slovenia to Croatia

Begin of June, we traversed the scenic Julian Alps, on the way to Croatia.


Croatia-Baldarin: a naturist resort in a picture perfect location on Cres-Island

Begin of June, we spent 15 days at naturist-ground Baldarin on the Croatian island of Cres. Thereby, we enjoyed the untouched beauty of nature and experienced all pro's and con's of a stay in one of the country's most sparsely inhabited corners.


Naturist Scenes

Trip through Croatia and Slovenia en route to Hungary

Crossing Slovenia's picturesque landscapes and cheerful villages, we stayed overnight in the absolutely not touristy town of Crnomelj, and visited Brežice in Slovenia, as well as the neat town of Varaždin in Croatia.

Croatia: Varaždin

Hungary: naturism at Berény on Lake Balaton

End of June, we've spent 10 splendid days at naturist resort Berény in Balatonberény, right on Lake Balaton.


Naturist Scenes

Slovakia: 16 days in one of Europe's youngest countries

Begin of July, we set across Slovakia, staying 16 days in total. We started in the pulsating modern capital Bratislava. Already two days later, when we continued to the naturist ground Dobrá Lúka in the interior, where we had a 10 days stage, we recognised the big differences between towns and countryside. Thereafter, we continued our discovery tour via Banská Bystrica north-eastwards to Kežmarok and Bardejov. In doing so, we could admire fascinating localities and cultural sites, having them often all to ourselves.


Poland: country of vast contrasts

Our 12 day stage started in south-easterly Lesser Poland, where we admired the many historic, small wooden churches. Subsequently, we discovered the famous town Cracow for two days. Now, we continued southwest to the lovely town of Bielsko-Biala, where we stayed for 10 days in a terrific holiday apartment at the small, but very charming naturist centre Sauna Cezar.


Czech Republic: overrun or overlooked - but all neat and tidy

End of July, our 15 days stage started in the gorgeously renovated historic town of Olomouc. We crossed the Czech Republic in several days by car, from east to west. Thereby, we visited many outright picturesque towns, where we often felt like being the sole visitors, despite many of the places being listed as world heritage site. In stark contrast, we visited also the extremely touristy town of Ceský Krumlov. At the finish of our very worthwhile trip through the Czech Republic, we stayed for 11 days at the naturist ground Mlécná dráha near Zdikov.

Czech Republic
Ceské Budejovice
Ceský Krumlov

Regensburg: three days in a refreshing German town

Along our way from Czechia to Austria, we stayed for three days at the picturesque, historic town of Regensburg, our only stop in Germany.


Austria: visiting a former world power

Mid August, we spent two lovely days at history loaded Salzburg, before our Austria trip continued to Carinthia. The destination was the naturist resort Rutar Lido. In the following, we got company from our friend Gusti, and passed a bit more than 2 pleasant weeks together.


Naturist Scenes

Croatia: back to a country with pretty beaches and towns Part 1: Naturism on Istria: popular and becoming ever better

As of September 5th, we spent one month on the Istrian Peninsula, a popular destination for everybody who likes to enjoy the sun and the sea in the buff. The three family-oriented naturist resorts of Koversada, Valalta and Solaris provided the ideal settings for that, the fascinating coastlines and picturesque villages on both sides of Lim Fjord the perfect environment.


Naturist Scenes

Croatia: back to a country with pretty beaches and towns Part 2: Discovering Croatia in the warmth of autumn

On October 4th, we started the first 15 days segment of our trip around Croatia. At first, we drove from Istria southwards to the fascinating Adriatic island world. After visiting Pula's amphitheatre, we discovered the islands of Krk, Rab and Pag, with their historic chief villages. After a few nights in the history-charged town of Zadar, we discovered the natural beauty of Plitvice National Park, overrun with tourists.

Plitvice Lakes

Bosnia and Herzegovina: still suffering from self-destruction

In October, we spent 6 interesting, but mind boggling days in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the destructions, even 20 years after the senseless civil war, are still obvious. Our trip started in Bihac, way up northwest, and led us southwards to Bosanska Krupa, Drvar, Livno, Mostar, Ljubinje and Trebinje, from where we left the country towards Dubrovnik.

BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Croatia: from Dubrovnik northwards through Dalmatia

As the final segment of our tour of Croatia, we spent three weeks in Dalmatia. Starting in the pulsating historic town of Dubrovnik, on October 24th, we continued northwards to Pelješac Peninsula, from where we went by ferry to the diverse Island of Korcula. After another island stay on Hvar, we conveyed by boat to the cheerful town of Split, back on the mainland. On our onward-journey, we visited the picturesque town of Trogir, thereafter the coastal-town of Šibenik, with its genuinely Croatian feel, before finishing our trip in Opatija near Rijeka. There were many worthwhile sights everywhere, just read on....


Slovenia: a modern, well developed country

As winter pushed us, we had unfortunately to contend with one night in Kobarid...


Austria: across the mountains to Switzerland

Mid November, we crossed the Austrian Alps for three days, thereby scenting some autumn air in Lienz, Kitzbühel, Innsbruck and Feldkirch.

Chapter 26 [January 2015 - May 2015]   
  Region & country selection  
Corsica + Italy: two new discoveries      
as PDF





From Andalucía to Nice

Windmills, fantastic landscapes, almond blossom, Moorish architecture and pulsating towns; all this lies along the way between Andalusia and Nice...


Corsica: a beauty with some scars

Arriving with a car ferry at the port of Bastia, we began our seven weeks journey of Corsica. To discover the southern part, we had booked two holiday houses; one on the east coast near Ventiseri, the other on the west coast, near Ajaccio. The last week was reserved for the north, during which we looked for accommodation spontaneously. End of winter was the perfect travel time for us, to explore the fascinating nature of this island. If you're interested to find out why, and how we liked it, you're welcome to read on here...


Italy: unexpectedly charming

Mid April, we started a seven-weeks car-tour through Italy, spontaneously staying at B&B's, budget hotels, or on Naturist-Grounds (Costalunga near Sassello and Le Betulle near Turin). Arriving by ferry in Livorno, we came along the scenic landscapes of Tuscany, where we also visited a geothermal area. Of course, we had to see some of Liguria's famous tourist- and holiday domains, before ending up in surprisingly pleasant Genoa. Later, we drove eastwards crossing the fascinating Dolomite mountains.

Pisa+Lucca Siena
Chapter 25 [October 2013 – January 2015]   
  Region & country selection  
Warmly dressed in the mountains - undressed on the sea




Part 1 as PDF: Warmly dressed in the mountains (Switzerland & Germany)
Part 2 as PDF: France: no clothes, no worries & Spain: zigzagging from France to Andalucia

Switzerland Part 1: six weeks in the Grisons’ Surselva Valley

We spent a second winter in Switzerland, again as tourists, and "not just" as guests of relatives’ and friends. Starting on the end of October, we spent our first 6 weeks in the Grisons. We rented a holiday apartment in the picturesque village of Sedrun (1,500 Metres above sea-level), almost at the top of Surselva Valley and not far from the source of the River Rhine. To us, it was a perfect base to explore the surroundings and to go on hikes and walks, starting right from our doorstep. Late autumn is a wonderful time to experience how mother nature transforms the Alpine landscape from its colourful autumn-display into a winter-wonderland. Here you can read how much we liked it...


Switzerland Part 2: five weeks in the Ticino

As of December 7th, we've spent 5 weeks in the Ticino. Switzerland's Italian part is a region culturally distinctively different from the rest of the country. Our beautiful holiday apartment in Brione, high above Lake Maggiore, turned out to be an ideal base to explore the surrounding valleys, like e.g. those carved by the Verzasca- and Maggia Rivers. Here we had ample opportunities for walks to the villages and the sights above the lake. On the many hikes that often started directly from our doorstep. Usually, we had great vistas onto the lake, the mountains and the town of Locarno, thanks to the steep hillside. In Brione, it's steep everywhere. Who is fit enough, can reach many worthwhile places on foot, both, below and above the village. We didn’t see much snow in the sunny Ticino, except on higher altitudes, like e.g. in Bosco Gurin, where it heaped up en masse.


Switzerland Part 3: five weeks in the Bernese Oberland

During January / February 14, we've spent 6 weeks in the beautiful Bernese Oberland. From a large holiday apartment in Faulensee, mighty mountains and Lake Thun were within our grasp. We explored most of the surrounding valleys and alpine resorts like Grindelwald, Lenk and many more. We also went further afield, touring the Emmental, and the panoramic jewel Schwarzenburg-Gurnigel that borders the French part of Switzerland. Also on French speaking territory, we witnessed the impressive “Hot air balloon Festival” in Château-d’Œx. For a change, we’ve spent one day in the city and drove to the capital Bern, with its picturesque old-town. We couldn’t stop ourselves from commenting the peculiarities of Swiss democracy, so it’s not all about the appealing Bernese Oberland...

Hot air balloons in Château-d’Œx

Hot air balloons in Château-d’Œx

Germany: an early spring month on Lake Constance

From the end of February, we’ve spent 4 pleasant weeks at a holiday apartment in Immenstaad, on the German shore of Lake Constance. From here, we visited several charming places along the lakeshore, as well as in the hinterland, like e.g. Meersburg, Ravensburg, Kempten and Wangen in Allgau (Swabia).

Despite being winter, the climate was rather spring-like, with more and more ice-cream-parlours popping up. Of course, our stage on Lake Constance was not about food in the first place, but please read on...

Lake Constance Region

France: no clothes, no worries

During summer, we stayed in France and enjoyed “vivre nu et manger bien“ (nude living and gourmandizing), only intercepted with some sightseeing. We stuck to holiday villages we knew already, staying in each place between 4-6 weeks in mobile-homes or chalets. We were self-caterers but never the less, headed for gastronomic restaurants every now and then, gourmandizing on what France is most famous for; its cuisine.
Our very enjoyable naturist-tour brought us to the following grounds: Domaine de la Sablière near the Ardèche-Gorge, La Grande Cosse on the Mediterranean, La Jenny, CHM Montalivet and Arnaoutchot; all on the Atlantic-Coast, plus to Domaine Laborde and Le Couderc, both in the Dordogne-Region. If you're interested to learn about the peculiarities of these naturist holiday villages and their respective possibilities for excursions, you might find one or two tips for yourself...

Southern France
Dune du Pilat

Naturist Scenes

Spain: zigzagging from France to Andalucia

On our way from France to Andalucía, where we were going to spend a few winter months, we took time exploring some of the fascinating Spanish interior. Our eight days trip brought us first through the Pyrenees, and then to the wonderful historical villages of Ujué and Olite. Next, we visited the pulsating town Burgos, before spending three days among the bizarre mountains in the "Picos de Europa" Nationalpark.
Heading south, we plunged again into the vibrant Spanish life, this time in medieval Zamora, splendid Salamanca and placid Úbeda. Crossing the hills, planted with Olive groves, we saw more bizarre mountains and gorges. After seven spontaneously chosen hotel-nights, we reached the Mediterranean and Vera Playa. You're welcome to read on, to find out what's to see along this way...

across Spain
Picos de Europa
Mehr zu Australien: Kapitel 10 A (Hauptbericht)
Chapter 24 [March 2013 - October 2013]   
  Region & country selection  
In Great Britain as Tourists, thereafter in Benelux & France as NaTourists

Great Britain:






Part 1 as PDF: Great Britain: a varied country with a varied culture, dthereto a bit Benelux (NL & L) + France
Part 2 as PDF:
French Atlantic: a summer in our birthday suits

Great Britain: a varied country with a varied culture

As of March 1st 2013, we’ve spent 5 weeks in Great Britain. Thereby, we experienced a unexpectedly diverse country with very considerate and very helpful people. Our routing lead us through England’s south-west with Cornwall and Devon, the English Midlands, as well as to semi-autonomous Wales.
Our complete Great Britain story starts here - not only a travelogue, but also a reflection of life in the United Kingdom, peppered with a fair bit of typical British sarcasm...



Cornwall: driving between hedges to astonishing coastal views

Begin of March, we travelled with our car for 5 days around England’s south-western peninsula with Cornwall and Devon. It wasn’t a problem to drive on the wrong, instead of the right side of the road, whereas driving between hedges, the so called Cornish-Walls, was. However, we were rewarded with picturesque villages and stunning costal landscapes.


Wales Part 1: the southern capital and the untouched north

During March 2013, we’ve spent altogether some 2 ½ weeks in Wales. First of all, we discovered the vibrant capital Cardiff, in the south of the country. Afterwards, we drove to the North, where we had arranged a holiday cottage above „Menai Strait“. From there, we ventured out to discover a few towns along the north-coast, Snowdonia National Park in the interior, as well as Anglesey Island on the opposite shore of „Menai Strait“. After 19 days, we’ve interrupted our stay in Wales, and continued for a week to England...


England Part 1: discovering the sparsely populated western region

Arriving mid March from Northern Wales, we came back to England. First of all, we’ve visited pulsating Chester, with its many half timbered houses. We remained in the rather sparsely populated western region, and visited some lovely towns like Shrewsbury and Ludlow. From there, we continued to the famous, but also touristy, Cotswolds. Staying in a B&B in Stow-on-the-Wold, we’ve visited, not only the regions' little spick-and-span villages, but also Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford.


Back in Wales Part 2: a cottage on Pembrokeshire Coast

Arriving from England, we reached southern Wales. We based ourselves for a week at a holiday-cottage in Tenby. From there, we had already vistas to Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, with its 300 km of costal walking tracks. We had just enough time, to visit the most beautiful spots of the diverse and breathtaking costal landscape, that would deserve more time...


Across England Part 2: impressive villages and national parks

Arriving from southern Wales, we came back to England. To begin with, we focused on the Midlands, and crossed Herefordshire, Shropshire, South Staffordshire and Derbyshire. Thereby, we visited the historic villages and towns like Weobley, Pembridge and Bridgnorth. Passing partly green, partly snow covered landscapes, we reached Peak District National Park. Culminating, was our visit to Yorkshire, with its pictorial capital York, many dub England’s quintessence.

The Netherlands: revisiting a beautiful spot

Short & sweet: once again Flevo Natuur and tulip-blossom

Luxembourg: a small beauty with a striking appeal

Passing through, we spent 2 days in Luxembourg and experienced an amazingly varied and interesting country ...

France: cross-country to the Atlantic

We traversed France from the Belgian border to the Atlantic Coast near Bordeaux. Thereby, we enjoyed a few historic and culinary highlights, notably in Nancy and Troyes.


French Atlantic: a summer in our birthday suits

The French Aquitaine‘s rambling beaches are, admittedly not as spectacular as further north, but attractive to disrobe. Not only the sandy beaches, but also a few large holiday resorts, invite tens of thousands holidayers to live naked in harmony with nature.
The family oriented naturist resorts Euronat and Arnaoutchot, on the coast, as well as Domaine Laborde in the interior, provided the natural surroundings, to spend the warm summer month in our birthday suits among likeminded people.

Naturist Scenes
France: cross-country direction Switzerland

We traversed France from Bordeaux direction Geneva. Thereby we visited several historic towns and the Massif Central.

Mehr zu Australien: Kapitel 10 A (Hauptbericht)
Chapter 23 [October 2011 - February 2013]   
  Region & country selection  
As Tourists and Naturists through Europe: Part 2  
-  Part 1 (Chapter 22)






Part 2A as PDF:
Winter in Switzerland and Brittany, Tulip blossom in the Netherlands
Part 2B as PDF:
As Na-Tourists through France and Spain

Switzerland: sunny, remote mountain valleys; Part 1: autumnal Engadin

After more than ten years abroad, we visited Switzerland for once as tourists, and not just as our relatives’ and friends guests. At first, we spent 9 eventful and sunny autumn weeks in the Engadin Valley, where we had rented a holiday apartment in Zernez. With hikes and pass-drives we discovered the close and further environment, which included not only the district of Grisons, but also the Ticino and bordering regions of Austria and Italy.

German Lake Constance shore

On our (de)tour from the Engadin to the Valais valley, we had spent the Christmas week on Lake Constance’s German shore.

Lake Constance Region

Switzerland: sunny, remote mountain valleys; Part 2: wintry Valais

As our second whereabouts in Switzerland, we chose a holiday apartment in Saas-Grund. During this snowy winter, we experienced a true winter-wonderland in sunny Valais, which we, as non-skiers, discovered with many excursions to the surrounding valleys.


France: passing the Loire Valley

We visited some of the Loire Valleys castles along our way from Switzerland to Brittany.


Brittany: sunshine, crêpes and stunning seascapes

As of February 23rd, we spent 6 eventful weeks in Brittany, which we discovered from three holiday cottages and a few hotels. Enjoying the unexpectedly sunny and warm weather, we experienced the departments of Morbihan, Finistère and Côtes d’Armor. We got spoiled with fascinating and varied land- and seascapes, picturesque tidal harbours, neat villages and historic towns full of well preserved half timbered houses. Likewise, very impressive were the many megaliths that had been placed by ancient cultures as stone-circles and sun-ships. To us, February and March proved to be the perfect travel time. If you’re curious which advantages it has, you’re very welcome to read our story.

Côtes d’Armor
Bruges; a Belgian jewel

Fleeting visit to the picturesque Belgian town Bruges, with its red brick houses.


The Netherlands in spring: flowers everywhere

For once, we wanted to visit the Netherlands during its famous tulip-blossom season. Thereby, we weren’t interested in Keukenhof, but in the real flower (bulb) growers’ vast nurseries. They were like arrays of giant flower-mosaics, and we noted with surprise, that not only tulips were planted. We didn’t expect the icy coldness lasting the entire Easter time. Nevertheless, we enjoyed the pleasant lodging at the naturist village Flevo Natuur on Flevoland; above all, thanks to the indoor aquatic centre, saunas and the nearby tulip-fields.
The second holiday dwelling was situated on the west-coast, north of Alkmaar. That we could see more than the anticipated tulips, is clearly evident on our pictures. Now we know; the Netherlands are at their best, when the uncountable flower orchards are in full bloom!

Naturist Scenes


France: Naturist tour through 8 resorts

France, with more than one million naturist-holidayers annually, is probably Europe’s prime destination for nude recreation. During the warm summer months, naturally we feel best naked, and so we spent 3 ½ months on 8 of the country’s different naturist grounds. All act through their naturalness so appealing that disrobing becomes a matter of course.
Our naturist tour 2012, brought us to the following naturist-resorts: Domaine de la Sablière, La Grande Cosse, Domaine de L’Origan, Castillon de Provence, Source St. Pierre, Domaine Lambeyran, Lous Suais and Domaine de la Gagère.

Naturist Scenes

Autumn in Spain: sunshine, flooding and even snow

To prolong summer, we continued in autumn to Southern Spain. Using fascinating inland-routes, we traversed Spain to Andalucía and back. Other than lots of sun, we experienced also snow and a vast natural disaster in the close proximity.
We spent again a few very relaxing months at Vera-Playa. You find more detailed information about this naturist-place under chapter 19: Natsun in Vera Playa: Naturism in the change of seasons”.

Naturist Scenes

France: visiting a well known acquaintance

To get from St. Jan de Luz, near the Spanish border, to Brittany’s ferry-port Roscoff, we took ourselves time from end January to the end of February. Thereby, we visited quite a few sights well worth seeing. Our routing lead us from the Basque region to the department of the Dordogne, then to the area south of Tours, and also for another three weeks to Brittany. Three times, we stayed for one week in a holiday-cottage, for the remainder of the time, we opted for hotels or B&B’s.

Mehr zu Australien: Kapitel 10 A (Hauptbericht)
Chapter 22 [August 2010 - October 2011]   
  Region & country selection  
As Tourists and Naturists through Europe: Part 1      
as PDF
- Part 2 (Chapter 23)




Germany: along half-timbered houses and lovely rivers

Starting on the 5th of August 2010 at Germanys north sea port Rostock, we travelled for two weeks southwards to the Swiss border. As boundless mobility for free citizens (or shall we say immature citizens) isn’t our taste at all, we chose minor roads, away from autobahns. There, we experienced a lovely, culturally rich country, with picturesque landscapes and many charming villages and towns with lots of picturesque half-timbered houses.


For wintering to Spain

After we had spent last winter near the arctic’s, we searched this winter for some warmer climate again. Therefore, we chose to spend another winter at the naturist urbanisation Natsun in Vera Playa, which we reached and left on fascinating inland-routes, away from the costal highways. Our stay at Vera-Playa was again very relaxing. You find more detailed information about this naturist-place under chapter 19: Natsun in Vera Playa: Naturism in the change of seasons”.
Our side-trip to the hyper-modern “Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias” in Valencia, was certainly a top highlight.

Naturist Scenes

Summer in France: no clothes, no worries

France has many excellent naturist resorts, and that’s where we first and foremost spent our 4 ½ relaxing summer months. Even though naturists behave, as a general rule, much more natural and more quiet than those holidayers who go textile, some of the odd peculiarities of camping life are exactly the same, and surely, we couldn’t resist to point them out.
Both of us felt the urge to discover also some regions yet unknown to us and therefore, we chose to stay mainly at naturist resorts we either hadn’t been yet, or not for a long time. We had researched for places offering “value for money”-deals on accommodation, so we could avoid staying in our little tent, without having our piggy bank putting its trotters up. Our 2011 trip brought us to the following naturist-grounds: Eglantière, Domaine Le Portrait, CHM Montalivet, Domaine Laborde, Creuse Nature, Heliomonde, Petite Brenne and Oasis.

Naturist Scenes
Photos at Pervan Germany: Faroese, Greenland, Iceland
Chapter 21 [September 2009 - August 2010]   
  Region & country selection  
Scandinavia: charming throughout all seasons       
as PDF




Denmark: stopping for a holiday

Starting end of September 2009, we spent 4 weeks at a luxury „summerhouse“ outside Tranum near Aalborg. Before continuing to Sweden, we visited Denmark’s fascinating capital Copenhagen.


Sweden: a few autumn weeks

We spent our time between end of October and November in autumnal Sweden. Thereby, we visited Malmö, Helsingborg, as well as Halmstad and made also some strolls out to the forests.
We spent most of the time in a holiday cottage near Oskarström, where we finished the detailed travel-story about our widely travelled summer (between France and Greenland).


Norway: three winter weeks around Kvitfjell

Starting end of November 2009, we spent three weeks at a holiday-house in Fåvang, north of Lillehammer. We used it as base for our excursions to the surrounding winter-wonderland, including Kvitfjell, that proofed also very rewarding to non skiers.


Sweden in winter: cold but beautiful

Sweden in winter – for many a nightmare, but we wanted to experience the long nights and the icy coldness once ourselves! Starting December 19. to March 31. 2010, we travelled from the Bohuslän-coast (north of Gothenburg) up to Riksgränsen in the country’s far north. Thereby we were staying at holiday-cottages, but once a while also at youth-hostels. It was one of the coldest winters for years, but we experienced it also as very sunny.
The wintery decorated hamlets and the winter-wonderlands, that gloomed in the low sun, were just magic. We enjoyed the hours sitting by the wood-stove, as much as our walks with kicksleds or the drive with our car over the frozen sea. This eventful winter among the warm-hearted and hospitable Swedes showed us, that even under perishing cold conditions, life can be very well-arranged. Scandinavian roads and airports don’t get closed just because of coldness, ice and snow.

Photos Sweden

Videos Sweden

Norway in spring: between snow and intense green

Norway early spring - for most a definite NO, NO, but to us just what we looked for! Between March 31st and May 28th 2010, we were rewarded, not only with long days, but also with snow-covered mountains and colourful fishing-villages that reflected beautifully in the blue fjords. On what were snow-covered patios in the morning, we could sunbathe “au natural” during early afternoon and still drive along frozen lakes and roads lined with several meters high snow-walls on the same day. In the valleys, spring arrived suddenly and got instantly in full swing. Nevertheless, up to the end of May we could have it all: sunshine, snowstorms, sometimes also just rain that blessed the white or green landscapes.

Photos Norway

Videos Norway

A warm summer in Sweden

Sweden in summer – just perfect to enjoy peace and quiet among green landscapes, dotted with lakes and red houses. Certainly, there is much more to be discovered during the long summer-days. We enjoyed also riding a draisine, meeting elks and strolling around picturesque fishing villages along the skerry coasts. We visited midsummer celebrations, glass-works and abandoned iron-works. Sometimes, we took refreshing dips in 25°C warm lakes, that we had seen solidly frozen during winter. We spent most of our 10 summer weeks at naturist club-grounds and summerhouses, but also at youth-hostels.

Photos Sweden
Naturist Scenes

Videos Sweden
Mehr zu Australien: Kapitel 10 A (Hauptbericht)
Chapter 20 [July 2009 - September 2009]   
  Region & country selection  
North Atlantic: a fascinating journey through the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland       
as PDF




The Faroe Islands: unknown jewels

We travelled for two weeks by car around the unique Faroese Islands in the north Atlantic, starting mid July. We were smitten by the intense green and rough, but still gentle hilly landscape of this untouched Island group with its many high cliffs.
We experienced an astonishingly wealthy and modern, but at the same time traditional island territory, with pretty villages and happy people who like to consider themselves as part of a big family.

Faroe Islands

Greenland: warm Arctic summer weeks around Disko Bay

During August we spent three bewitching weeks among the impressive icebergs around Ilulissat, Aasiaat and Qeqertarsuaq on Disko Island. We used scheduled boats, stayed at Youth Hostels and simply enjoyed the unique environment and the colourful villages.
We tried with words and pictures to do justice to these unparalleled Greenlandic landscapes. Just imagine that everything is much greater still…

Photos Greenland

Videos Greenland

Iceland diverse by nature

We spent a total of 5 weeks travelling with our car around the unbelievably diverse nature paradise Iceland and stayed at Youth Hostels or other sleeping bag-accommodations. We explored the southern coast on the beginning of August, the other parts of the country in September. Every few kilometres, the landscape offered a totally different picture: from icebergs to active volcanoes. We hugely liked this exceptional island.

Photos Iceland

Videos Iceland
Photos at Pervan Germany: Faroese, Greenland, Iceland
Chapter 19 [June 2007 - July 2009]   
  Region & country selection  
Back in Europe: Naturism, Nature & Culture       

as PDF








Switzerland: Short return – before setting off again

After 3 ½ years of travelling overseas, we were back in Switzerland in summer 2007. We digested our experiences, visited friends and family and prepared for our future travels around Europe. In between we also enjoyed to visit some of our favourite places around the country, as well as the naturist grounds at Thielle on lake Neuenburg and Dreiländereck (corner of three countries) over the border in Germany.


Naturist autumn in France: Lively and Popular

An autumn tour through southern France under the theme: Good food, nice weather, without knickers it´s even better! After our long stay Down Under and in North America we enjoyed it even more to stay on naturist grounds that are not only visited by a few odd ones. In autumn, those grounds were still well occupied, although the visitors were more settled and quiet than during springtime. Then, the same places are bustling with families that are fond of naturism. We visited the following naturist resorts: Domaine de la Sablière near the Ardèche, Bélézy en Provence and Oasis-Village in Port-Leucate on the Mediterranean.

Naturist Scenes

Natsun in Vera Playa: Naturism in the change of seasons

Initially, we just wanted to winter in Andalucia but the Naturist Resort Natsun in Vera Playa, where we initially reserved for 5 weeks appealed that much to us, that we kept extending and finally stayed more than 50 weeks. A travel story not only about naturism, but also about a holiday destination popular with Spaniards, and about life in Andalucia.

Journey from F
Costa Almeria
Vera Playa
Spring excursion
Naturist Scenes

Spring in France: Naturism, Nature & Culture

A two-month springtime-journey with ample time to enjoy „vivre nu et manger bien“. We toured around the following regions: Provence, Ardèche, Dordogne, Charente, the Atlantic-coast and finally Paris.
Once a while we stayed at Budget hotels, but most of our time we enjoyed the following naturist resorts: Bélézy en Provence, Domaine de la Sablière, Terme d’Astor, Domaine Le Portrait, La Jenny, CHM-Montalivet and Heliomonde.

Naturist Scenes

Belgium: discovering Brussels & Ghent

End of June, we visited Brussels and Ghent for two days each. Admittedly, the Belgian capital was a nice, but Ghent was much more fascinating to us.


The Netherlands: tidy and neat

In summer we travelled through the Netherlands from south to north by car. Apart from wind mills and waterways, we also got smitten by pretty countryside villages.
Our two weeks journey started in the Zeeland province, where we visited Tholen and Zieriksee and also had a look at the giant Delta-Project with the „Krammer Sluizen“ (locks of Krammer). Further north we visited Zaandam, Amsterdam, Haarlem, Alkmaar, as well as to the countryside villages of Noordeinde, De Rijp, Volendam and Marken. Finally we went to Friesland, visiting Workum, Lemmer, Sloten and pretty Giethoorn.


Denmark: 6 days in Jutland

From the south, we travelled to Ribe and then along Jutland’s West-coast up to Hanstholm. After crossing the Nissum Bredning between Thyboron and Agger by car-ferry, we turned inland. The towns of Vyborg und Thisted were also worthwhile destinations.

Photos at Pervan Germany: France, Spain, Netherlands, Brüssel, Gent, Dänmark
Chapter 18 [April 2007 - June 2007]   
  Region & country selection  
Japan: Tokyo, Takayama & Kyoto; afterwards farewell from Singapore      
as PDF



Japan: unexpected things around every corner

In spring 2007 we ventured for 3 weeks around the capital Tokyo, the culture metropolis Kyoto, as well as rural Takayama. We travelled with Shinkansen trains and stayed overnight in Japanese Ryokans and Backpackers accommodations. We experienced an absolutely unique and exotic country where the manipulation of the masses was obvious...



Singapore: Farewell to a special city

Insight into the multicultural soul of Singapore, a very special town where we spent two months within a year...

Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Photos at Pervan Germany: Japan, Singapore
Chapter 17 [January 2007 - April 2007]   
  Region & country selection  
Borneo: Sarawak & Sabah in Malaysia, to it Brunei;
thereto Singapore: Thaipusam-Festival, as well as Thailand: Koh Tao
as PDF






Thaipusam: an impressive Hindu festival in Singapore

On February 1st 2007 we witnessed how people are able to control their spirit mentally in such a way, that their body does not feel pain at all. It was a very exciting and impressive experience.


Borneo: Malaysian Sarawak and Sabah between traditional and modern life

in February and March 2007 we travelled as Backpackers from unexpectedly modern cities to no longer untouched jungles. Speedboats ply the rivers such as motorways and we were surprised how diverse Flora and Fauna still are, despite obvious interference of men.



Brunei: Oil & Islam in the Sultans hands

At the end of February 2007 we spent three days in Brunei’s capital Bandar Seri Begawan. The Sultan, who was until recently the richest man in the world, controls not only the income of raw materials, but also adherence to the faith...


Koh Tao: tropical island-paradise or dive factory

In March 2007 we were backpacking to Koh Phangan. To avoid the full moon party there, we visited the nearby island of Koh Tao that is only 2x5km large and also situated in the Gulf of Siam. Although the small island was seized by mass tourism, we found many places still worth seeing, like Shark Bay or the adjacent island group Nang Yuan.

Photos at Pervan Germany: Sarawak & Sabah, Brunei, Singapore, Thaipusam(Sing.), Koh Tao
Chapter 16 [November 2006 - January 2007]   
  Region & country selection  
Western-Australia: Short journey and naturist life at Sunseekers      
as PDF


Naturist holiday after trip in rental car between Perth and Denmark

For the beginning of the New Year 2007, we went on a 2 month side trip from Singapore to our favourite state in Australia, WA. After one week each in Perth and Fremantle, we rented a car for eight days and toured the southwest. Afterwards we became members of Sunseekers, a nudist club in Perth, where we enjoyed 5 relaxing weeks...

Naturist Scenes

Kangaroo race
Photos at Pervan Germany: Western-Australia
Chapter 15 [September 2006 - November 2006]   
  Region & country selection  
China incl. Hong Kong, back to Thailand and Singapore      
as PDF





Singapore: Street Light Up Festivals in September

In autumn 2006 we experienced the mid autumn celebration of the Chinese, the Deepavali festival of the Indians, as well as Hari Raya Puasa of the Muslims.


China; a transforming country

For 5 weeks (October/November 2006) we discovered the southeast corner of the (new) China between Hong Kong and Shanghai independently. Compared with what we had seen there 15 years ago, we couldn’t recognize anything anymore from the old communist state. In the meantime everything is shiny and new. Young people work with enthusiasm for the transformation into an even more modern state, while the older generation tries to cope with the pace.

Hong Kong

Videos China
Short notice: Thailand, after the military coup 2006
Photos at Pervan Germany: Singapore, China
Chapter 14 [July 2006 - September 2006]   
  Region & country selection  
South-Africa (west) and Namibia discovered with a rental car      

as PDF



South-Africa: a country changing, hopefully in the right direction

In summer 2006, we travelled with a rental car for one month through the west of South Africa, which only in 1994 could free itself from the claws of apartheid. However, the wounds will not have healed for a long time...
See also part 2:
South-Africa: after Namibia, many things got relative


Namibia: fascinating National parks, depressing crime & heavenly cakes

During summer 2006, we travelled for three weeks nearly all of Namibia in a rented VOLKSWAGEN Chico (Golf). The Etosha national park was the absolute highlight. In addition, the Fish River Canyon and the Sossusvlei dunes were also very impressing. Humans? Well; what do you to say about a country, where a large part of the population locks itself up behind windows fitted with massive iron curtains, barbed wire and electric fences? And there they eat crusty bread rolls, German sausages or black forest cakes in "security"!

Etosha NP

Etosha NP

Photos at Pervan Germany: Etosha Np.
Chapter 13 [June 2006 - July 2006]   
  Region & country selection  
Kuala Lumpur + Singapore two fascinating cities that are melting pots of cultures, and beach-holiday in Thailand      
as PDF




Kuala Lumpur: modern Metropolis as host for different cultures

During our week in Kuala Lumpur, we experienced an amazingly modern city. The three cultures: Malaysians, Chinese and Indians are trying to live together peacefully. Near the highest buildings in the world (until recently), monkeys roam around the city parks freely.

Kuala Lumpur

Singapore: efficient Chinese paired with Malaysian and Indian culture

During our altogether 2 months in Singapore, we experienced an amazingly modern and pulsating city. If not at work or participating in one of the many festivals held by the different cultures, the entire population is either busy shopping or eating out.


Thailand: finishing off with a beach holiday

We digested our impressions we made in the two previous visited cities for 4 weeks on Koh Samui and Koh Phangan.

Photos at Pervan Germany: KL., Sing. & Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Thailand
Chapter 12 [November 2005 - June 2006]   
  Region & country selection  
New Zealand: eight months discovering the North- and the South Island      
as PDF


New Zealand/Aotearoa, the land of the long white cloud

From November 2005 to June 2006 we travelled the whole country with a car, which we had bought in Auckland. Usually we stayed overnight in small BBH Backpackers Hostels, from time to time also in naturist places. It’s very easy to travel in New Zealand, as it is easy to get lost behind the many hills in the loneliness of a South Pacific island...

North Island
South Island

New Zealand
Photos at Pervan Germany: New Zealand
Chapter 11 [October 2005 - November 2005]   
  Region & country selection  
as PDF


Vanuatu; Melanesian Pacific-culture at its best

For two and a half weeks in autumn 2005, we visited the islands of Efate and Tanna. There we met the friendliest and most content people, ever. It was not a cheap, but a very worthwhile adventure, and an eye-opener in many respects...

Photos at Pervan Germany: Vanuatu
Chapter 10 B [28. March - 28. April 2005]   
  Region & country selection  
Side-trip to Micronesia: Kosrae, Pohnpei, Yap, Palau & Guam      
as PDF




Micronesia; the little islands in the northern Pacific

In April 2005 we travelled for one month as backpackers to the Micronesian islands Kosrae, Pohnpei, Yap, Palau, Angaur and Guam. It was a trip to experience the culture, and not to dive. We met very friendly people who arrange themselves with a western life-style, after the missionaries took and still take their culture away.

Photos at Pervan Germany: Micronesia
Chapter 10 A [October 2004 - October 2005]   
  Region & country selection  
Australia: around the red continent in 12 month      
as PDF


Australia, where desert and civilisation meet up

Starting in October 2004, we travelled for one year around the red continent with a car, which we bought in Adelaide. Usually we stayed in Backpackers Hostels, but especially on the east coast often also in simple nudist resorts out in the bush. Nature was fascinating and the sky had no limits, but the few cities offered a welcome change in between. The Aussies like to take it easy, but their culture differs from ours more than just a little.
We split this story in 2 parts:
The East: We visit cities, national parks and naturist grounds
The West: To us, by far the best, is the North und the West

The East
The West
More about Australia: Chapter 16
Photos at Pervan Germany: all Australia, The West
Chapter 9 [May 2004 - October 2004]   
  Region & country selection  
Canada & side-trip to visit Urs in the Dominican Republic      

as PDF



Canada, by car from Vancouver to Halifax

Between May and October 2004, we crossed the second largest country in the world with a car. We stayed overnight in youth hostels, motels and naturist (nudist) clubs. Many different landscapes and a big variety in different species of animals compensated us in the English part for the lack of culture. Québec was completely different; rather like Europe, but with much more space.

Canada 1
Canada 2

Casa de Campo: no problems inside the holiday ghetto!

In October 2004, we visited a friend in the holiday compound of "Casa de Campo", where many wealthy people own a villa. What we experienced is typical for most holiday resorts in the Dominican Republic, but to us, who normally travel Backpackers style; it was quite a bit unusual...

Dominican Republic

Photos at Pervan Germany: Canada
Chapter 8 [November 2003 - May 2004]   
  Region & country selection  
Southeast Asia: Vietnam, Laos and Thailand’s beaches      
as PDF




Thailands beaches: Backpackers Idyll and Sex Tourism!

At the beginning of 2004 we stayed during 5 month several times at different beaches in the south of the country. Our trip started in Phuket on the Andaman Sea. Afterwards we continued to Koh Samui and Koh Pha Ngan in the Gulf of Siam. After a side trip to explore the culture of Indochina, we visited Bangkok, before heading to Koh Pha Ngan again, where we could experience the Songkran festival. Finally, we visited the amazing islands around Krabi, which are famed for their Karst formations.
See also part 2:
Thailands beaches part 2: back to civilisation!


Vietnam: money hungry people and a communist government

In February 2004, we travelled for one month through this fast changing country. We used the Backpacker's bus along the government approved route between between Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Hué...


Laos: where people don’t need much to be happy

In March 2004 we travelled as backpackers through this country at the Mekong River. Everywhere the people greeted us friendly with "Sawadee", whether it was in Savannakhet, Vientiane, Vang Vieng, Luang Prabang or in the villages in the hilly north.

More about Thailand: Chapter 13, Chapter 15, Chapter 17
Photos at Pervan Germany: Thailand's beaches, Bangkok, Vietnam, Laos
Chapter 7 [October 2002 - November 2003]   
  Region & country selection  
Nudist Year: Naturist life in France and Spain



Nudist Year: Naturist life in France and Spain

Good food, nice weather, without knickers it´s even better! To us it's just natural and wonderful to feel the sun, the water and the air unhindered on our skin, whilst enjoying the calm and beauty of nature. During the whole winter 2002/2003 and summer 2003, we wore only our birthday suit and enjoyed the following naturist grounds: El Portus near Cartagena, Costa Natura near Malaga, Lissart near Cordes-sur-Ciel, Bélézy en Provence, Domaine de la Sablière near the Ardèche george, Oasis-Village in Port-Leucate, La Jenny & CHM Montalivet on the Atlantic, Cro Magnon (unfortunately, it was their last season) & Domaine de Chaudeau in the Dordogne. Afterwards we visited La Jenny and Oasis again, having gained many valuable experiences.
We split this story in 2 parts:
Naturist winter 2002/03 in Spain: vida desnudo y natural
Naturist summer 2003 in France: vivre nu et manger bien

Naturist Scenes
Photos at Pervan Germany: Western-Australia
Chapter 6 [December 2001 - October 2002]   
  Region & country selection  
Nudist Year: We discover naturist resorts in France and Spain



Nudist Year: in the birthday suit through Spain and France

Between December 2001 and October 2003 we spent two years nude and natural in some of France's and Spain's most beautiful Naturist Resorts. In our first year we started in Costa Natura on the Costa del Sol. After the winter, we headed to El Templo del Sol. In spring, we changed to France where we spent several weeks each at Bélézy en Provence, Domaine de la Sablière, Aphrodite-village in Port Leucate and Cap d'Agde, which unfortunately isn’t as natural anymore, as it should be.
Our next stop was Lissart near Cordes-sur-Ciel. Later, we discovered the Dordogne region with the following three resorts: Domaine de Chaudeau, Le-Couderc and Cro Magnon. In autumn, we spent some more time at Aphrodite-village.
We split this story in 2 parts:
Naturist winter 2001/02 in Spain: nude and natural
Naturist summer 2002 in France: nude and natural

Naturist Scenes
Photos at Pervan Germany:
  • Apropos: Consciously, we confess to being naturists, also by publishing genuine naturist pictures of ourselves on this homepage. We feel completely contended, also without a stich on! By contrast, the online communities’ sections "for friends only" are alien to our nature, as those hardly contain genuine naturist pictures, but rather attract a clientele keen to exchange kinky contents. Therefore, we ONLY use the photo-communities’ public sections. DO NOT add us as friends and DO NOT "follow" us on social networks! Otherwise we will BLOCK you, even if you’re the nicest person…
    However, you’re very welcome to click the link We are naturists because... to learn in words and pictures our reasons of being confident naturists (nudists). Everybody may see us undraped...
Chapter 5 [April 2001 - December 2001]   
  Region & country selection  
France, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Germany









Early nudist summer in France and the Netherlands

Nude and natural at one with nature. During spring and the beginning of summer 2001 we enjoyed the summer sun, whilst staying at the following naturist grounds: Origan near Italy, Domaine de la Sablière near the Ardèche, L'Eglantière in Castelnau-Magnoac, Cro-Magnon near St. Cyprien and Euronat on the Atlantic. From there we drove up north to Belgium and the Netherlands.

Naturist Scenes

Scandinavia: Late summer and autumn up in the far north

Between August and November 2001 we travelled for 4 months up to the far north with our Renault Twingo, collecting new experiences. We started in Sweden’s still very warm south, where we even stayed three times in a naturist club. In Norway, we chose to drive along the coastal Kystriksveien up to Tromsö. By now it was autumn and we continued into Finish Lapland, where we rented a traditional Mökki twice (Holiday cottage with Sauna).
In October, we could often see the fascinating northern lights in the evening. Back in Sweden we drove along the Bothnian sea southwards to beautiful Stockholm and later to the Bohuslän coast on the west coast. With a ferry we sailed to Denmark where we spoiled ourselves by renting twice a very luxurious holiday house for a week each. In November, rent was so cheap, it was almost a steal!

More about Scandinavia: Chapter 21

Photos at Pervan Germany: Sweden, Norway, Finland
Chapter 4 [November 2000 - April 2001]   
  Region & country selection  
Late Autumn & Spring in France, Winter in Spain



Across France, along the Spanish North-coast to Santiago de Compostella, Southwards to Cadiz, wintering in the naturist resort Costa Natura, through the interior of Spain and France, back to Switzerland

no photos!
Photos at Pervan Germany: Micronesia
Chapter 3 [May 2000 - November 2000]   
  Region & country selection  
Discovery trip through South-eastern Europe







naturist summer in Croatia, (Autumn in Slovenia and Hungary, through Austria back to Switzerland)

no photos!
Photos at Pervan Germany: Micronesia
Chapter 2 [November 1999 - May 2000]   
  Region & country selection  
Wintering in Spain & Portugal




Winter + Spring in Spain and Portugal, wintering in naturist resort Costa Natura, through France back to Switzerland

no photos!
Photos at Pervan Germany: Micronesia
Chapter 1 [12. May 1999 - November 1999]   
  Region & country selection  
Drop out, France, Scandinavia and (Eastern)Germany









Drop out, naturism in France, Summer + Autumn in Scandinavia, through (Eastern)Germany back to Switzerland

Photos at Pervan Germany: Micronesia

© 2003 -